Fabulous Health Benefits of Bell Peppers

Hello all, I am back with another post. Today I will tell you about some great benefits of eating bell pepper or capsicum as known in India and why you should often include them in your daily diet. For those who don’t know what bell peppers are, they are fruits which come in different colors from the cultivar of the species Capsicum annuum. Depending on the variety, they can vary from less to moderately pungent in taste.They are commonly used in various cuisines all over the world. Let us see some fabulous benefits of consuming bell peppers:



  • Bell peppers are excellent sources of Vitamin C. it helps to keep up a healthy and youthful skin. It also keeps our immune system strong.
  • Bell peppers are less in calories hence they are often included in salad preparations.
  • Bell peppers are rich in Vitamin E which helps to keep your hair healthy.


  • Lutein enzyme  present in bell peppers helps to protect eyes from cataracts.
  • Red bell peppers contains a high amount of  beta cartenoids that acts as an anti inflammatory agent.
  • Bell peppers also has sulfer that prevents cancer.


  • Bell peppers contains Vitamin B6 which helps in cell renewal in our body
  • It also has essential enzyme such as capsaicin that helps to cut cholesterol and control diabetes.

So, next time you are preparing a salad for you, don’t forget to include a lot of bell peppers in it. Are you aware of any other benefits of bell peppers? Do share with us :).


Health and Beauty Benefits of Blueberries

Hello lovely people, this post is a special one, guess why…. We are completing our 100th post with this one! Yay, it has been a wonderful journey so far with all your support and encouragement. A big thank you to all my readers!!!


I would like to ask you all to send in your queries and requests if you want me to write about something specific or review any product. We all love eating blueberries, don’t we? Blueberries are perennial flowering plants which bear blue/indigo colored berries tracing its origin from North America. They have enormous health and beauty benefits and are considered superfood too. Mainly the lowbush variety of berry is used for various commercial uses. Let us look at some benefits of including these berries in our daily routine:


  • Blueberries act as stress busters. so next time, something is worrying you, chill with a bowl of blueberry :p
  • Blueberries are rich in antioxidants like all other berries and reduces signs of aging and keeps you looking young. Blueberries nourishes the skin from within keeping it glowing and healthy.


  • Blueberries are very less in calories so they can be included in your diet  to reduce obesity. They are also high in fibers and helps in digestion and also checks blood sugar level.
  • Researches have proved that blueberries can prevent colon cancer if consumed regularly.  Blueberries also reduces the bad cholesterol level in  our body and reduces the chances of heart attacks and strokes.


  • Blueberries prevent hair greying and improves hair growth. Blueberry consumption release harmful toxins from the body too keeping skin spot free.
  • Blueberry scrub recipe: Mash few blueberries, to it add oats and 2 table spoons fresh yogurt. Mix well and apply this mixture on your face and massage in circular direction. Wash off after 5 minutes for a refreshed and tighter skin. Use twice a week.
  • Blueberry face pack:  Mash blueberries, mix it with 2 table spoons of honey, little milk apply it all over your face and neck. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off with cold water. Use regularly for visible results .

How did you like this post? Do share your opinions below……



Beauty Benefits of Rose Water

Hello darlings!! How are you all doing? Yesterday when I was checking my kitty ( just like that :p), I found that I have very few skin care products and more of makeup items. Many times, I went out of my house determined to buy a skin care product but end up buying makeup. My skin is a bit on the sensitive side so I usually avoid buying skin care products from market and try to depend on natural products as much as I can. But there is one skin care product which could be prepared at home and is also easily available at market and is equally effective. Yes! you guessed it right, rose-water! Lets see how rose-water benefits us in enhancing our beauty.


  • Spray some rose-water in a cotton ball and apply it on your face every morning after washing your face with water. It will remove all traces of oil and dirt and make your skin radiant.
  • Make toner at home by adding a pinch of camphor to your rose-water and store it in a cool dry place. Apply this mixture after cleansing to get rid of acne prone skin. With regular usage, it will also help to fade acne marks!


  • Make any face pack using rose water in place of plain water to get that extra glow.
  • To get rid of suntan and sunburn without spending money on expensive products, simply add few drops of rose water to a small bowl of tomato juice. Apply this to the affected area. This mixture with soothe your skin and remove tan effectively.
  • Apply rose water to your eyes every night to get rid of puffiness.


  • For blemish prone skin, rose-water acts as a miracle. Prepare a mixture of sandalwood powder, curd and rose-water and apply it to blemished area regularly. You will find your skin tone getting even in two weeks.
  • To keep up a healthy glow in your hair, prepare a hair mask using egg yolk, rose-water and jojoba oil. Apply it to your hair twice a week and get naturally healthy hair with added shine.

So, now you know few benefits of rose-water that could be used in your every day beauty regime. Do try it and let me know how it worked for you :). How do you use rose-water for your skin care? Let me know in the comments below…..

Images: Google


Benefits of Bottle Gourd

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well. I’m not a vegetarian but I can never deny the fact how vegetables are useful for our health. One such important vegetable is bottle gourd also known as “lauki”, “ghiya” or “doodhi” in India. Bottle gourd has numerous health benefits and should be consumed often. It is considered as a natural thirst quencher. Here are few necessary things you need to know about this vegetable.

What is bottle gourd?


Bottle gourd traces its origin from South Asia. It is a greenish, long, slender squash. It consitutes of 90% water and hence is easy to digest. It is also rich in magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin, Vitamin A and C.

How does it benefit our body?


1. Bottle gourd is effective in reducing high blood pressure. It is also popularly used in treating urinary problems like inflammation of urinary tract by diluting the acid content present in urine.

2. Bottle gourd juice is great for weight loss. As bottle gourd is mainly composed of water, its consumption makes us feel full for a long time. Bottle gourd is a low calorie food. Consuming a glass of lauki juice early morning keeps hunger at bay.

3. Bottle gourd is rich in fiber & helps to check constipation. Fibers are present in both soluble and insoluble forms which helps to digest food in the digestive system. It also check the occurance of piles.

4. Bottle gourd is believed to check liver inflammation due to its cooling properties. Bottle gourd is also used to treat jaundice.

5. Replacement of lost fluids in the body. Due to the presence of water and other necessary nutrients in bottle gourd, it is used to treat diarrohea.

6. Regular consumption of bottle gourd leads to clearer and problem free skin. It is also beneficial to get a beautiful hair as it prevents premature greying of hair.

How to make bottle gourd juice?


Cut a bottle gourd into pieces, put it in a blender along with a pinch of salt and cumin seeds. Add little water to this and blend it for 5 minutes. Lauki juice is ready to drink. Have it early morning in empty stomach everyday.

I hope this article was helpful. Do share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Image Courtesy: Google