Benefits Of Tomato

Hello ladies, we are all aware of the fact that all natural ingredients are much healthier & better option than artificial commodities be it our food, hair care or skin care. Today I will tell you about the benefits of tomato which is widely used in Indian cuisines & also for enhancing the beauty of our skin naturally. Raw tomatoes contain Vitamin A, C & K, fiber & magnesium. With so many goodness tomato is called a “super food.” Lets have a look at its amazing benefits.


1. Tomato lowers cholesterol level
Tomatoes helps to lower down the cholesterol level. People with high cholesterol should regularly intake half glass of raw tomato juice. Tomato contains lycopene which inhibits the low density lipoprotein & also helps in breaking down fats that block artery.

2. Tomato lowers the risk of prostate cancer
Tomatoes are rich source of antioxidants especially lycopene & helps in preventing DNA damage which mainly causes prostate cancer. Eating 10 serves of tomato per week reduces the risk of prostate tumor.

3. Tomato for faster hair growth
Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C & are excellent hair growth stimulators. Make a puree of fresh tomatoes & mix it with few drops of olive oil. Apply on dry hair & leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse well & wash off. Shampoo & condition normally. You will find your hair growing at a faster rate with regular usage.

4. Tomatoes as a natural bleach
We all have mixed feelings about this beauty product. Some say it is okay to use it ocassionally while some say bleaches are harsh & harmful to the natural skin due to the presence of chemicals. Apply tomato puree to your face directly or mix it with honey & apply on your face to get lighter complexion instantly.

5. Tomato to get rid of puffy eyes
Tomatoes contain Vitamin A & carotene that help to get rid of puffy eyes & tired eyes. Also, you need to have good sleep to keep traces of tiredness away from your face.

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